The current economic environment is putting
additional pressure on Not for Profit organisations.

2022 marks the second year of our Not for Profit Leaders Survey on Financial Management. When the report was produced in 2021 we were still in the midst of Covid – most states and territories in Australia were still in a type of Covid lockdown.

Twelve months on, whilst lockdowns are in our rear-vision mirror, there are certainly a large number of other challenges businesses are facing now – rising interest rates, rising inflation employee shortages and the potential of a global recession.

Report summary 

  • The current economic environment was affecting 59% of organisation’s planned cash reserve levels
  • 52% had experienced a change in personnel in their finance team over the past 12 months
  • In the last two years, 62% had seen an increase in revenue
  • More than 53% were looking to raise the prices for their products/services in the next two years
  • In the last 12 months 86% of respondents had seen an increase in wages – with the average increase being 6%
  • HLB Mann Judd Sydney surveyed more than 80 not for profit leaders on financial management

The current economic factors will only add further pressure to the not for profit sector – with cost of living pressures pushing individuals to rely on charities for support and the potential for a loss in revenue for charities.

The one thing that hasn’t changed however, is the importance of managing how the organisation's resources were used. With economic uncertainty around, astute financial management is crucial for organisations to weather the storm.

HLB Mann Judd Sydney invited not for profit leaders to participate in a survey on financial management. Survey respondents were from a wide variety of not for profit organisations including traditional charities, research organisations, social enterprise, aged-care, schools and membership organisations ranging from small to large.

We invite you to download our report and review the findings.

"Organisations need to review their business models closely and assess the strength of their organisation's balance sheet and ensuring there are no ‘lazy assets’."
Aidan Smith
Head of Not for Profit, HLB Mann Judd

How HLB can help

We collaborate with organisations to make an impact and advance their mission. We provide value to not for profits through:

  • HLB's dedicated Australasian NFP group
  • The Exclusive Not For Profit Community (ENFP)
  • Management of social impact
  • Thought leadership, webinars, presentations & dedicated sector reports
  • Technical briefings
  • Mergers & Acquisitions expertise

Learn more about our not for profit expertise.

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    Not for Profit Financial Transformation Finance Function ENFP Advisory Audit & Assurance

    Key findings

    What level of cash reserves for expenses do you currently have?

    As noted above, 59% of participants cash reserve levels have been affected by the current economic environment, however more than 66% have at least 6 months.


    Forecasting & financial modelling are key for the organisation’s growth

    With 53% looking to raise prices and 59% looking to diversify their offering, forecasting & financial modelling are critical for organisational success.


    Area’s respondents looking to outsource

    As financial reporting becomes more complex, where there is more to do with the same or fewer resources, organisations are looking at how to make improvements within their team. Outsourcing all or some of finance functions is becoming more common.


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