It’s a common thread linking business owners – they are often too consumed with working in the business and not on the business. While focusing on the tactical operations of the service or product offering is important, this can often be to the detriment of the strategic direction of the business.

Stepping back and ensuring adequate assessment and planning of the underlying business fundamentals – including cash flow and growth projections – will position the business for growth in the months and years to come.

Financial modelling acts as a barometer of how a business has performed and, most importantly, how it’s likely to perform in the future.

How we help clients

HLB Mann Judd partners with its clients in developing frameworks that detail all aspects of a financial model, from revenue projections and income estimates, to customer behaviour and potential supply challenges.

Management use the modelling to test different scenarios and make decisions accordingly. This can impact long-term success of the business, whether it be strategic, economic or financial in nature.

We have experience in providing independent financial modelling reviews and analysis for businesses and sectors of all sizes including, significant Australian Public-Private Partnership projects, infrastructure transactions and debt structuring submissions.

How does financial modelling work in practice?

Our financial modelling framework is built and managed in Microsoft Excel and supported by additional market leading analysis software. Further, our technical expertise in audit, Australian Accounting Standards and taxation law allows us to provide a comprehensive overview and assessment of financial models.

Our data specialists have extensive experience in reviewing and reengineering complex financial models. This can include refining existing models for integrity, functionality, reliability and flexibility – is the current model fit for purpose?

Financial models are not a set-and-forget strategy but rather change overtime to reflect the changing nature of a business and the environment operated in.

A tailored, independent review undertaken by HLB Mann Judd provides company boards, management, investors and other stakeholders confidence in the integrity of the model.

Further, we challenge the norm. We are transparent in our approach and ask difficult questions of the business in order to achieve the best possible outcome.

We also provide a commercial overlay to all assertions made as part of the review process, ultimately leading to greater efficiencies and yielding real long-term benefits and cost savings.

Your financial modelling engagement could include any or all of the following:

  • Obligation-free diagnostics and scope meeting to identify your key issues
  • Create or modify custom financial models, budgets or cash flows designed to suit your specific business needs
  • Streamline data importation and/ or financial reporting processes
  • Review the integrity, accuracy and robustness of your existing data spreadsheets
  • Incorporate sensitivity or scenario analysis into cash flow forecasts
  • Perform agreed-upon procedures and independently report on financial modelling assessment
  • Provide training to your staff covering guidance and recommendations on day-to-day tools to enhance their own productivity and efficiency
  • Provide assistance to troubleshoot and resolve any errors in data management.

The analytical and investigative skills applied to financial modelling reviews enable us to understand both the model in front of us and the data behind it.

The economic environment has changed irrevocably in recent years and many business owners have been left unsure of the way forward. The pace of change – at the legislative, technological and commercial levels in particular – continues to challenge many, irrespective of sector or industry.

Knowledge is power, and at a time of such change and uncertainty, a customised financial model could underpin the future viability of your business.