We would like to introduce you to Marcus, a director in HLB Mann Judd Sydney’s tax team. He started at the firm as a cadet and reflects that, over the years, HLB has been part of every major milestone in his adult life, including the arrival of his first child.  
Tell us a little about yourself

I am a director at HLB Mann Judd Sydney. I have been at the firm for over 13 years, having started as a fresh-faced cadet in 2011.

Professionally, I’m passionate about delivering practical and clearly communicated solutions to our clients, despite the ever-increasing complexity and risk present in the accounting and tax landscape.

Personally, I love spending time with my family, getting out in the sunshine and exploring my local community. Something a bit different, I also play the Sousaphone in a 1920’s style Jazz Band. I think that doing something totally different is so good for you, both in terms of exercising different parts of your brain, but also maintaining balance and good mental health.

Big changes for you this year?

On 15 May this year (a very important date for all the tax agents out there!) I welcomed my first child, Michael.

Marcus and Michael
How has the firm supported you? 

The firm has supported me in many different ways throughout this period. Most directly, it provided me with uninterrupted time off when Michael was born. This allowed me to really enjoy and embrace those special first moments with Michael and our new little family. I had the opportunity to be present and learn all of the million surprising new experiences that come with being a parent, while setting the foundations for that special bond with our son. Also, and importantly, it allowed me to be the best possible husband to my wife.

Much more than just the time off, HLB also allowed me to be present at every appointment with my wife in the lead-up to Michael’s birth. I was also available for anything that unexpectedly popped up along the way.

Not only was this important to me, but it was also considered important to my colleagues. My team encouraged me to take time off before Michael was born so that I could unwind, rest and spend some time with my family.

What does flexibility mean to you? 

To me, flexibility is about trusting people to use their time in the most effective way for them.

Technology offers us many opportunities to be flexible, including working around our personal appointments and managing out time with more freedom than ever before.

Like many employers, HLB Mann Judd provides employees with the tools and technology needed to be flexible. However, it was HLB’s trust in allowing me to use these tools and policies that truly reflects what flexibility means to me.    

Any advice for your colleagues who are adding to their family?

Think deeply about how you would like to balance work and family, and consider what adjustments you can make to achieve that goal. Don’t be shy about reaching out to colleagues who have recently been through a similar experience – there is a wealth of wisdom, support and kindness that can surround you and guide you through the change.