Business is now conducted in an increasingly complex and evolving international tax environment, with many organisations and their subsidiaries operating across multiple jurisdictions.

While expanding a geographical footprint is synonymous with improved scale and competitiveness, and increased profitability, it also presents a number of challenges.

Appropriate and effective tax structuring is one of the most common – and misunderstood – challenges for businesses with global operations.

With a greater focus in many countries on base erosion and profit-shifting (BEPS) in particular, it is more vital than ever to engage a tax specialist who will deliver well-considered and timely advice.

How we help clients

HLB Mann Judd’s international tax specialists advise corporate and private businesses on effective approaches for both inbound and outbound investments and operations.

Many of our clients trade internationally or have subsidiaries or joint ventures in multiple countries. This requires a good understanding of both domestic and foreign jurisdiction taxes, as well as the application of any double tax agreements.

Our team of international tax specialists advise clients on all inbound and outbound tax structuring strategies, including:

  • Advice and compliance services for foreign-based businesses with Australian subsidiaries and representative offices, including establishment, registrations and reporting
  • Industry-specific and transaction-based transfer pricing advice and compliance
  • Assistance with the expanded reporting requirements for multinational subsidiaries operating
  • Advice and compliance services for Australian businesses investing overseas
  • Consideration and advice in relation to Australia’s thin capitalisation rules.

Our global reach

The HLB International global network spans more than 157 countries giving our tax specialists extensive resources and contacts in ensuring our advice can be relied upon at all times.

We arrange local country tax assistance through our international network of offices, and work in collaboration with our overseas colleagues to manage the corporate tax affairs of our multinational corporate clients.

We work with a range of businesses transacting internationally who are looking for innovative tax strategies. For a confidential discussion on your organisation’s cross-border tax needs, please contact a member of our team.

Doing business in Australia

An guide to doing business in Australia

An guide to doing business in Australia

HLB Mann Judd's comprehensive guide provides a broad range of government, economic and tax-related information for businesses and individuals considering opportunities in Australia.


HLB Mann Judd's comprehensive guide provides a broad range of government, economic and tax-related information for businesses and individuals considering opportunities in Australia.
