Todd is a highly experienced adviser with a career of over 24 years in restructuring with key experience across property, construction, retail, hospitality, IT/fintech, transport, cryptocurrencies and mining. He heads up the Sydney Restructuring & Risk Advisory division.

What he does

  • Assist with restructure or expansion of funding structures;
  • Reducing operational risks; and
  • Driving improved performance (strategic, operational and financial) to assist businesses and their stakeholder.

Recent large scale informal formal restructuring assignments across professional service businesses, manufacturing, retail, IT, property and mining, generally working with clients and engagement teams to establish the current position, the desired outcome of the key stakeholders , identifying what may be realistic/possible including associated risks and agreeing the actions to be taken, and by whom, to pursue the best possible outcome.

This can be through a formal enforcement process or informal processes working in distress or special situations with owners or financiers to resolve disputes, restructure businesses and/or complete transactions.

Who he works with

Major banks, hedge funds, venture capital funds, business owners, law firms, mid tier/community accountants and individuals.

Before HLB

Todd began his career at Boutique insolvency and restructuring firm Ferrier Hodgson working on numerous hospitality engagements as well as telecommunications, television and other industries.

Next stop was Deloitte in 2003, join the Deloitte Reorganisation Division continuing to work on major restructuring and insolvency engagements before being lured to HLB in 2011.

Trusted Advisor Sydney firm 2024 badge

Areas of expertise

  • Strategic planning and management
  • Transaction structure and strategy
  • Wholesale and retail trade

Qualifications & memberships

  • Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting) - University of Western Sydney
  • Member, Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand
  • Member, Australian Restructuring, Insolvency and Turnaround Association (ARITA)
  • Registered and Official Liquidator

Contact Todd


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