Jude is an experienced partner with 25 years’ experience of auditing, 13 of those as a partner. He is a senior partner of the firm and possesses significant experience in providing quality audit, assurance and corporate advisory services. He became the head of the audit division in July 2020.
He is a passionate and an accomplished practitioner with a strong reputation for delivering tailored, personalised service and practical solutions, and is highly regarded for his hands-on approach and his willingness to provide plain-spoken and independent advice. He understands business and commercial dynamics and applies his own business experience to finding the most suitable solutions for his clients, without compromising audit independence and quality.
Over the past 7 years, Jude has developed a niche in IPO related engagements and is one of the responsible managers of the firm’s corporate advisory arm. He is RG146 qualified and understands the financial services sector. He has also invested time and resources to understanding and applying knowledge gained from change/disruption management for the benefit of his clients and the firm. He has been instrumental in driving the business transformational changes within the audit & assurance division, in an effort to ensure that the business remains relevant and agile.
His rigorous and thorough approach to his work is reflected in the complex audit engagements he oversees as well as the investigating accountant’s reports which he prepares and are included in prospectus as part of his client’s IPO process.
Jude’s client base includes private and public groups, including work for the not for profit sector. In particular, Jude undertakes audit and assurance related work including external audits, special reviews, due diligence (buy and sell side) and corporate governance reviews. He also prepares statutory financial statements for several large private groups.
Areas of expertise
- Private owner-operated businesses - distributors
- Aged care & health
- IPO & ASX listed companies - mining & resources
Qualifications & memberships
- Bachelor of Business in Accountancy (Distinction) - RMIT
- Registered Company Auditor
- Fellow, CPA Australia
- Affiliate Member, Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand
Community Involvement
- Lifeguard/former treasurer – Mentone lifesaving club Inc.
- Pro-bono financial advisor to ECCV 2009-2014
- Past members of CPA committees (i.e. Financial reporting Centre of excellence; Public Practice Committee; Public Practice Advisory Committee) 2007 – 2019
- Guest lecturer – RMIT School of Accounting