For Impact is HLB Mann Judd’s regular newsletter for the not for profit community.

In Issue 32 we address NFP governance updates, ACNC activities, financial reporting insights, compliance and governments.

A summary of the key points:

NFP Governance Updates

  • Ten questions about cybersecurity
    With all the latest cybersecurity risks creating potentially rich pickings for cyber criminals – and the potential for serious reputational damage – boards have a critical role to play in asking the right questions.
  • Pressures build on directors 
    The Australian Institute of Company Directors Not for profit Governance & Performance Study 2022-23 has revealed increased challenges and demands affecting NFP directors.


  • Prohibiting workplace sexual harassment
    The Fair Work Act has been amended to prohibit sexual harassment in connection with work, including in the workplace. These changes apply from 6 March 2023 and expand the previous protections around sexual harassment in the workplace.
  • Aged care wages to jump
    The Fair Work Commission has decided to increase minimum wages by 15 percent for some employees working in aged care.


  • ACNC confirms Hillsong investigation
    The ACNC has confirmed that it is investigating concerns raised about Hillsong Church.
  • Manage your cyber risks
    With reports of cybercrime on the rise, the ACNC is reminding charities of cybersecurity risks, giving guidance and practical tools to help to reduce them.

Financial Reporting Insights

  • Collect good information on related party transactions
    The ACNC is urging charities to collect good information about related party transactions as new rules come into effect.

Fundraising & Deductible Gift Recipients

  • New fundraising rules detail expected conduct
    Commonwealth, state, and territory treasurers have agreed on a set of nationally consistent fundraising principles to streamline and harmonise fundraising conduct.
  • From 14 December 2021, non-government DGRs are required to be a registered charity.